
wulpas (wuhl-pahs) is a fringe religious faction dissenting the beliefs of the main iyacans clan. Wulpas are often referred to as fools because they center the wulpas identity around obfuscating stupidity and dressing like jesters. these jester personas are often garbed in motley clothes, always dressed with some amount of red. the fool personas came about as a way to circumvent persecution from the main clan. the main clans religion prevents iyacans from hurting those who are poor in mind/health, hence why wulpas acts as if they're schizo-affected. some politically involved iyacans feel more strongly about the sacrilege than others and try to go out of their way to force them out of the inner city.

the wulpas manifesto claims that the overseer is not god. the belief is that the overseer doesnt preside over the spire, but instead serves the spire. the main clan iyacans hold this regard in high contempt, its sacrilegious to demote god to a "servitor". A/N: unbeknownst to all parties, including wulpas, the overseer IS actually a servitor. they serve the spires because they were originally pieces of the god of perpetuation, i'll delve into this further at a later time!

wulpas also belive that you can obtain further knowledge and communicate with the spire by touching it directly. this belief arose when the first wulpas had made contact with binary IIs spire, the one made from exogenic fulgurite (sand partially melted by lightning). there is a lot of excitement for wulpas to touch something that's considered holy to the iyacans.

the most important wulpas lore wise is enyo. he is not the first wulpas to touch a spire, but he is the first to lay a hand on one and not tell a soul about it. for wulpas, being able to touch a spire would be cause for celebration, to brag about. afterall, only one wulpas has touched it. enyo's silence is mysterious, what has he seen that bears so heavy on his pysche to prevent him from telling another soul about the spire?

please dont oust me for my shameless rendition. i've combined aspects from LOTM, italian theater, and hsr's masked fools. i had to have jesters in my story because im the biggest sucker for them