listed below, i have the following subcategories: BAHC, territories, government, and religion.
BAHC: abbreviated for biological and heliocentric classifactionists. its an technologically advanced organization that focuses on indexing known habitable planets. the ecological disturbance caused by BAHC is listed as follows: setting up camps as replenishing stations for supplies such as oximeters, avoiding food web disturbance via freeze dried rations and water filtration devices, landing/takeoff emissions, and specimen procurement. BAHC fielders are legally required to obstain from taking resources for anything other than 'population controlled' specimen indexing. taking this from subnautica but they are also not allowed any sort of weaponry besides a survival knife to reduce risk of poaching. the BAHC tends to pick up species from the planets they survey to "join the cause". However much indexing diversity is celebrated, that is what it is at the core, indexing. once they're back on the ships is where the enmeshment begins. the company strongly encourages that employees conform to standards to streamline productivity. the BHAC is meant to be a grey area with having noble intentions but a terrible method.
territories: in the Halx system, there is one large territory per exoplanet run by the main iyacan clain with occasional sub territories(these are run by outlier clans in binary I and II). hyem does not have any sub territories due to having very limited available land space. the civilizations congregate around one central point, the spire. binary Is civilization is built into a conglomerate coral and seaweed system beneath the surface. binary IIs in the center-right skewed habitable zone along the shore (peninsula city). hyem is located on the land mass within the middle of the tarn in the planets massive cirque. aside from the established territories, there are tribes of inhabitants known as kins. there are two variations of these tribes: nomadic and sedentary. nomadic tribes like SDT (southern demonkin tribe) create trading caravans in binary II. sedentary tribes like NDT (northern demonkin tribe) and selkas kin in Hyem have settled within the territory run by the main iyacan clan.
government: each planet follows the exact same government structure unintentionally. the governments are not in contact with each other. native dwellers follow a clan system where said clan protects all citizens. the clan has an elder run council to help manage the minutiae and has a religiously appointed leader that is there for image (sentinel). the sentinel has religious duties to protect the spire first and foremost and is often in seclusion with it as not even the elders are allowed near the spire. the head is often revered as a mini demigod.
religion: a lot of religion is tied in with the classifications; iyacans use religion to help explain to themselves whats going on with the world, especially spires and overseers. iyacans believe that the spires are gifts from their planets god, the overseer. they hold many festivals and religious ceremonies to revere their overseers. thats also why being appointed as a sentinel is considered the highest honor, because to them its basically being chosen by "god". overseers are actually minor gods unbeknownst to iyacans. iyacans interpret spires being gods (overseer) tool and the iyacans are the tears god shed when they feared for the planets safety. corny but thats how they try to explain why their clans should be the governors in control. it also creates a misplaced sense of superiority, hence why any creature who isnt iyacans is considered a "lesser" inhabitant to them. there is a subgroup of inhabitants called wulpas that differs in religious thought. theyre actually somewhat right about how it works but theyre scorned by iyacans (he who governs holds more power, so the majority of inhabitants just believe wulpas to be insane).