Species Organization
Inhabitants: Native dwellers both flora and fauna that doesn't include Iyacans. These species are usually referred to as Kin by the Iyacans.
Iyacans: A draconic race that spread across the 3 planets and specifically adapted for their environment (Darwin's finches). BI adaptations include semiaquatics (gills, paddle shaped tails, coral horns), color saturation (predation/mating), and are diurnal. BII has adapted for water retention (short builds; lashes/brows/ears) and are loosely crepscular. Hyems adjusted to the cold with furred ears/tails, thicker builds, and gigantism.
Spires: Are somewhat sentient pillars of organic matter that surfaced on multiple dying planets to sustain their habitability. They are broken off pieces of Halx's conciousness and emulate Agape's love to preserve. Each spire had different circumstances of birth and the appearances differ per planet. I will include the pictures of the Spires later.
Sentinels: Are the religiously appointed Iyacans heads. There's only one per planet. A new Sentinel is *usually not appointed until after the death of the original. The Sentinel has a religious duty of
guarding the Spire. Dspite being apotheosized and herald as 'God's chosen servant', they have no political sway among the council. There are wards surrounding the Spire that need upkeeping, as well as the physical labor of caretaking. They are sequestered away from all interactions and are expected to stay within the wards for the majority of their life after appointment. Sentinels are given a title containing "Jun" to signify status.
The rare occassion where a Sentinel may leave seclusion is to attend the biannual ceremonies.
Servitor/Overseer: The terms are interchangeable depending on the context. The Servitor is an ascended keeper for the Spire. They are the ones who create the wards and help give power to the Spire (as well as being the appointer for the Sentinels). A Servitor is irreplaceable, if they dissipate, the planet will die. also important to know is that Overseers cant directly communicate with anyone except Sentinels and Spires. They can indirectly communicate with oracles through dreams, omens and blessings. The Sentinel's appointment is revealed by augury. There is no mistaking who is chosen for Sentinel, nobody can enter the wards unless the Servitor allows it.