Socio/Political Sciences

How the world works...

Clan System: Iyacans follow a patrilineal clan that comprises of a head clan with two subclans. There's a strict caste but Iyacans allow endogamy (marriage into the clan line) and kinship if someone in your family is birth descent/married into the clan, you are also a member by proxy (albeit, there is significantly less political power given). BII's main clan is the Sha, with the sub clans being Istka and Suyi.

Territories: Each planet has civilization that congregates near the Spire that's run by the main Iyacan clan. There are smaller subterritories scattered throughout BI/BII but they are mostly small-scale trade villages.

Government: The clan society is run by an elder council. The majority of the council is comprised of the most politically powerful patriarchal heads of the Sha families. There are a select number of Istka and Suyi heads. The system does not seperate government and state, religion is deeply interwoven with their decisions. The council has an oracle from each clan that attend the meetings but don't have a say in the proceedings.

Religion: Iyacans follow the same religion regardless of lineage. The planets are dying without the help of the Spire. The belief is that the Overseer is the creator and the Spire is God's tool for salvation. There are biannual ceremonies (festivals are held before and after) that are dedicated to the worhsip of the Overseer along with 3 days a month set aside for religious observance. There is an elder oracle dedicated to each clan that has a select few apprentices in training. The elder oracle conducts the rituals and ceremonies for the most important events while the apprentices gain experience with the monthly services and officiant work.

Faus Wulpas: A fringe religion that dissents the Iyacan religion. They follow the themes of Faust, where a man makes a deal with the devil for uniamginable knowledge. The Wulpas manifesto dictates that the Overseer is not God, but a Servitor to the Spire. This unorthodox religion arose when it was rumored a Wulpas had touched BII's Spire and obtained this knowledge at the cost of his sanity- vanishing into the desert afterwards.